Putin needs no help in doing what he does. Opponents or dissidents...
-- "flying" out of high rise building windows? Check.
-- drinking tea with a sprinkling of polonium? Check.
-- commiting suicide by shooting themselves multiple times in the back of the head? Check.
The list goes on.
All Biden, or any thinking person for that matter, needs to do is to wait and watch. Biden also has the means to shine light on Putin's lies and misdeeds. Who among us can forget the invasion that was never going to take place -- even after Biden released satellite photos of tanks and armor massed outside and poised for the invasion?
It takes a really obtuse person, someone on the take, or a troll believe that Navalny had no influence in Russia -- even while locked up. Just look at what is happening in Russia today and to Russians who have dared to publicly mourn Navalny by placing flowers at makeshift shrines across Russia. If there was ever any doubt about what will happen to anyone who dares contest the election against Putin in Russia's forthcoming Russian election, Putin has served notice.
Oh yeah, I won't even bother with how "the west" killed Navalny in the remote Siberian gulag where he was being held. I am sure we will get a good story about how it happened from the usual "sources" right here in Medium.